Hello Sugar Bee Readers! This is Nancy from Do Small Things with Love back once again this month to share a little something I whipped up using felt: Felt Hexagon Snowflake Coasters.
But before we get to that, how have ya been? I missed you–and I certainly hope that you had a blessed Christmas and a joyous new year. Mine certainly was all that and more. My only complaint, it was (and still is) cold. Cold cold cold! I live in Minnesota (don’t ask me why) so you’d think I’d me used to the cold, but there is just no getting used to day after day of sub-zero temperatures. And the snow. It just keeps coming and coming…
So, instead of complaining (or maybe along with campaigning) I have decided to embrace the season and draw a little creative inspiration from it. For the next few weeks on my blog I will be creating around the topic of snow…and this felt hexagon snowflake coaster is part of the series. Want to make your own?
Felt Hexagon Snowflake Coaster
- Wool Felt (blue, light blue and teal)
- Embroidery Thread
- Tape
- Sharp Scissors
- Hexagon Template (I used THIS ONE from my friend Mollie over at Wild Olive)
For this project you will need a total of 7 hexagons. I cut out three from two of the colors, and one from the third color, planning on using the unique color as the center and the backing. You can make your own pattern, or use the one I provided above. For a perfect cut, I recommend using tape and the method for cutting felt that I lay out in this post.
Once you have all of your hexagons cut out, grab a larger piece of the felt you are using for the center hexagon (in my case teal). Lay out all of the hexagons to make sure they fit. Then, find the center and begin to stitch down each hexagon. For this step I used a running stitch and found that three stitches on each side was about perfect.
Once you have the center hexagon sewn down, place one of the outside hexagons down, lining up one edge. Sew it down also using the running stitch, and the same color thread. Repeat until all of the hexagons are sewn down.
And, finally, trim the background felt so that only a small edge of the color is showing.
Simple, fun…and it does look like a snowflake, right!?! Well, whether it does or not, I love hexagons and I’ll use it proudly for that reason, if no other. Thanks again to Mandy for letting me stop by each month! See you in February!
PS–for more fun with felt, be sure to check out these other projects:
About Nancy Bandzuch
- Happy Little Valentine Fish - January 9, 2015
- Simple Felt Nativity Ornament - November 14, 2014
- Felt Snowman Ornaments - October 10, 2014
- Lego Man Embroidery Hoop Art - September 12, 2014
- Bride and Groom Cross Stitch - August 8, 2014
- Felt Coin Purse - May 9, 2014
- Felt Fox Brooch - April 11, 2014
- Felt Hexagon Pouch - March 14, 2014
- Simple Felt iPhone Case - February 1, 2014
- Felt Hexagon Coaster - January 4, 2014
I love this! Simple felt crafts are my favorite. These would make a great housewarming gift, if in a set and maybe gifted along some wine or something. Even though I already have three sets of handmade coasters, I might have to make these to make it a fourth!