I am so excited to walk you through The Cotton Candy Skirt – – we had so much fun with these pictures…
This is part of the IKEA repurposing series at Studio 5.
UPDATE: – you can see the VIDEO CLIP HERE – I’m in the middle of the segment.
A few months ago it was announced that there will be an IKEA built in my area – I can’t wait!! Currently I plan our family vacations around IKEA locations.
I was given the challenge to repurpose the Ofelia Blanket – maybe some of you have this at home…
I immediately knew it would make a great girl’s skirt. The awesome thing is that the skirt only takes a little amount of the fabric – so you can cut off the end of the blanket about 15 inches and leave the rest of the blanket to be used as a blanket – bonus! how much you need to cut off depends on how tall your daughter is and how big you’ll make the skirt. My daughter is 8 and her skirt is about 15 inches (waist to knee) by 30 inches around (she’s 21 around, and then I added some to make it fuller).
When you go to cut the fabric, you’ll notice that you can follow inbetween the lines in the fabric – that’s easy:
The blanket came white but I wanted it a royal blue – – I dyed it, but since the blanket is mostly polyester, it doesn’t soak up the color quite like I imagined. But that’s okay because the minute I pulled it out of the washing machine, with it’s pretty light blue and puffiness, I knew it was just like Cotton Candy, and I got super excited. Everyone loves cotton candy!
Skirt construction is easy! Cut your rectangle according to the measurements of your girl – – measure waist to knee for length, and then all the way around for the waist. Add 8 inches or so to the waist measurement because the skirt is gathered a little around the waist. I know the fabric is stretchy, but just lay it flat and at ease when you cut it. Make sure to put the finished edge from the blanket along the bottom of the skirt so you don’t have to hem it.
For the waistband, turn under the top edge wide enough to fit elastic. Sew it down, leaving about 3 inches unsewn so you can put the elastic in. When you sew it down, pull on the fabric to stretch it out so that the skirt waist will maintain it’s stretch:
Then you are going to feed the elastic through, sew the elastic ends together, and sew up the hole you left open.
And of course, make a quick skirt for a doll – – because matching girl/doll outfits are just so cute!!
And there you have it, The Cotton Candy Skirt – – it’s cozy because the fabric is so stretchy:
I also sewed the shirt she’s wearing – I tackled knits and came out on top!!
I’ll post about the shirt and the tights I crafted separately….so look forward to that!
If you have an Ofelia blanket, trim a little off the end of it and turn it into a skirt – you can do it!!
And then check out what these other awesome bloggers have done with their blanket:
Diary of Dave’s Wife – Valentine Throw Pillow:
Sweet Charli – Wreath, Lampshade, and Pillow:
Oh my goodness oh my goodness! Im going to have to add that to my springtime shopping list. Our Ikea is two houra away so it’s like a pilgrimage twice a year when we go.
How adorable is that skirt?! I love it. So neat that you made it from an Ikea blanket.
Our Ikea is about 45 minutes from here but I try to only go during the middle of the week because the weekends are CRAZY there!
I love your matching American Girl Doll Skirt! My daughter loves her doll. I have a free PJ pattern on allthingswithpurose.com. I hope you’ll check it out! Julia
That is so cute! I have seen that blanket so many times at IKEA and knew it would be cute as something else. I might have to go buy one now!
I wondered when I saw the striped shirt and polka dot tights if this would show up in the PR&P linkup. Cute, cute!
very cute, I love that she has a matching doll outfit!
Seriously you’re a genius! I really need to get my brain to see things like you do! What a darling idea. LOVE IT!!
That is super cute!!! And unique for sure. Definitely perfect for a little miss and her doll!
Adorable! The skirt looks really comfy!I love the look of that material.
awesome that you dyed the IKEA blanket and so sweet to have a matching doll outfit 🙂
looks like cotton Candy Mandy!
Holy cuteness batman. I think I could even wear a skirt like that!
So adorable and so pinned in my AG Doll board! Love it!!!
Mandy you are awesome. Love the skirt and the repuposing and the pictures!
Very fun, Mandy! Good pictures and tutorial too. Tell E the glasses are way cute on her.
Very fun, Mandy! Good pictures and tutorial too. Tell E the glasses are way cute on her.
Very fun, Mandy! Good pictures and tutorial too. Tell E the glasses are way cute on her.
I love this! I stumbled across it on Pinterest and was thrilled to find that you used Rit Dye. I am the new Rit Studio’s Resident Designer and would love to talk with you. Can I have this be shared?
I’d love to chat – – feel free to email me at [email protected]
I got the blanket for 10 dollars at As Is yesterday before I came across this blog. I am wondering if you can share any tips on working with this very stretchy fabric. Also, I find the fabric a little see through so I want to sew a lining to it so that it will serve like a straight skirt (bubble skirt?) Any thoughts?
I didn’t line it, and it wasn’t too see through when it was all gathered and bunched up. But lining it wouldn’t hurt at all. I tried not to stretch it out too much when I sewed it – other than that, just remember it doesn’t have to be perfect because the bunching hides any sewing mistakes!