So that “WIWW” is a lie – this isn’t the weekly post about What I Wore – – there were a couple of problems:
–I just wore boring clothes
–my camera BROKE!! I only was without it for a couple of days when I realized I just couldn’t live life without a camera, and told my mom I would need to steal hers for a couple of weeks. Meanwhile I had days where I couldn’t take pictures, so why even dress up 🙂
So instead, let’s talk hair.
I got a Curling Wand – cause Kimbo praised it – what was I thinking?!? I am no hair guru, that’s for sure! When I first used it on myself, I burned my pinky (why oh why does the glove only come with 4 fingers?!). The first time I used it on my first-grader, I burned her (or so she claims). Here’s the results of the first time I used it (this is the day my camera died – it got shipped of later that afternoon):
Some random info:
–I watched about a million “how to use a curling wand” videos on youtube.
–I have short hair – I think that’s part of my problem
–you’re supposed to hold the wand upside-down (once I did that it was easier)
–it’s not an instant curl, which are the hopes I had. You still have to hold it on your hair for a little bit.
–it works better on gunky hair. Coat hair with hairspray before and after use.
–at first I used it at medium heat. Who was I kidding – once I cranked it up to full blast hot, I was getting better results.
–I bought the “plugged in” brand at Sally’s – it was $30 and came with a free mini flat iron (a $20 value) because that was the deal that week.
So, overall – I’m beginning to catch on. I think with another week of use, I might get the hand of the crazy ole curling wand. I thought I’d take pictures of using it today (well, today for when I’m writing this – which is Tuesday)….first, my hair when I wake up. I washed it last night and slept on it damp:
I pull up half my hair and curl it, then curl the top layer. My arms get super tired by the end – forget 30 day shred, this is my workout!
Oh, disclaimer, ignore my master bathroom decor – I know it’s bad!
So here’s the look this morning:
It dies down throughout the day – here’s the look during the late afternoon:
I feel like it curls better on the second day – so that’ll be tomorrow. I’ll try and post a picture tomorrow so you can see – I think it’s cause all the gunk in your hair after a second day holds the curl better.
I like the kinky curly look for some reason, but I think the “in” look right now is the looser curls. My main problem with the curling wand is the ends – you hold the hair on the wand, so the very end never seems to get curled very well. But for the “beach wavy loose curls” I think you want uncurled ends. But with the loose waves, I feel like you spent time fixing your hair so it’d look like you just rolled out of bed.
Anyways, thoughts on a curling wand?? Anyone have tips for me??
I think your hair looks good! You did a good job, much better than I would have been able to do. I saw someone else use one of these wants and I didn’t understand the straight end either, but then I haven’t touched a curling iron since 1992, so… 😉
I love it! My daughter has the wand thingy… I tried it…. Once…. Gave up. I think i will tryit again you have inspired me. Iyour hair looks fab!
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As someone with crazy, thick, naturally curly hair (which I occasionally try to tame with a straightening iron) I usually don’t like curls. Yours, however, look great. I love how soft they look by the afternoon.
Oh you wear your curls well.