For a while now I’ve loved the ribbon banners that are showing up in all the chalkboard art. I love the vintage feel and how they seem to make any message seem more special and like an important announcement. And it seems like Christmas is the ultimate time for important announcements, celebrations, and moments that warrant a ribbon banner. They need something big and beautiful and a little bit vintage all wrapped in one. And that need inspired me to create a big ribbon banner you could hang above your tree, over a wreath, or over a door to declare “Peace on Earth” to the whole world. You need one too, right? Okay, let’s make one together then!

I’m Lisa Mabey from Mabey She Made It where I blog about DIY crafts and sewing. I’m really excited to be here today sharing this ribbon banner–I seriously love it!
Okay, let’s get started! You’ll need:
- 1/4 yard linen
- Mod Podge
- Wire
- Hot Glue
- Metallic Sharpie
- Printed phrase (here’s my Peace on Earth, or create one yourself)
- Swedish tracing paper
- Cookie sheet and cake pan for drying rack
Let’s get started!
- Cut two strips of linen 5″ wide by the length of the fabric.
- On the first, transfer your phrase onto the linen by placing your tracing paper on top of the fabric (chalky side down) and placing your phrase on top of the tracing paper. Now take a pencil and trace the outline of the letters on the paper (press firmly), which should leave the shape of the letters on your fabric. (You’ll have to excuse the late-at-night photos here…you work while the little ones are sleeping too, right?)
- Now take your metallic Sharpie and trace the letters onto the fabric.
- Fill them in! I also colored around the edges of the ribbon banner.
- Now heat set the ink by pressing your banner, and set your cake pan upside down on a protected surface and put the cookie sheet (or a board depending on the size of your banner) over top.
- Dip or paint the entire surface of both your linen pieces in Mod Podge, and stick them together so all the edges match. Lay them across your pans, letting the ribbon curl up under the cookie sheet and creating the shape of the banner you want. I put a plate under mine to help get a little bit of a curve to the phrase portion without a lot of puckering.
- Cut the ends of your linen into a banner shape and trim any stray threads.
- Hot glue wire to the back of the banner to give it a little more structure and also create a way to hang your ribbon banner. Glue a little more linen over the wire if you want a more finished look on the back.
Hang your beautiful Linen Ribbon Banner over a tree, a wreath, a door, or anywhere else that needs a little glamour.

I hope you’ve enjoyed making this Linen Ribbon Banner with me, and that you’ll come check out some of my other projects (like my Acorn Wreath and Sheet Music Pumpkin) over at Mabey She Made It. I’d also love it if you followed me on on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest</ a>, and Instagram!
Very Christmasy for sure! I’m popping over to check out your blog Maybe!