A quick sneak peek into family life for you – – you know I’m in the Kansas City area, and last night we headed to our 4th Royals game of the season. (Complete with a hotdog costume…)
We’re getting to be fan pros – this time we actually remembered to make signs. And wear a hotdog costume (true!)
The thing that we’ve really mastered is the meal! Our stadium allows you to bring in outside food, as long as it’s in a soft-sided bag/cooler. This is a dream come true for our family, because we would go broke buying stadium food for everyone. (We have to eat dinner at the Stadium because we get there way early to get the free tshirts – a bonus of planning to go to games on TShirt Tuesdays). I don’t want the dinner side of the gathering to be stressful or overwhelming, and that’s where paper products come in – we used Dixie® paper products at the game last night, and it made dinner a breeze!
With Dixie, dinner is portable, and there’s no cleanup hassle, which means less worries and more enjoyment of being together at the game. I normally pack hotdogs for the ballpark experience – it’s so much more thrifty to prebuy and prepare them – like $.50 a piece versus the $6 each ones you can buy there. So I cook them and wrap them in foil and they’re still warm for dinner. I bring along fresh popcorn, grapes, cut peppers, chips, cookies – whatever! Plus paper products to eat them on – and don’t forget the napkins, you’ll need those too. Then just toss everything when you’re done – easy peasy. It’s no hassle, and makes more time for enjoying being together at the game.
Fans pouring in – the sea of blue!
We recently picked up a hotdog costume at the JBF Just Between Friends consignment sale – and if you can’t wear a hotdog costume to the ballgame, where can you where it?! 😉
My tips for taking your whole family out to a baseball game:
–bring your own food! this is my #1 must! and of course, Dixie and paper products to make cleanup a breeze
–make signs – and get the kiddos involved – they’re have more fun with them if they’re vested
–dress up (optional!)
–get there early – you get to park closer (that’s a big deal!) and you’re not rushed to find your seat. A bonus is when it’s free tshirt night!
–find the bathrooms – with older kiddos, show them where it is in relation to your seat, so they can take a buddy and go on their own
–take lots of pictures – a phone camera is totally fine, but have fun with it. The kids love taking their own baseball selfies. Hashtag them for the chance to be featured on the big screen (we weren’t last night, but we have been in the past)
–be present and ENJOY!! BE MORE HERE, love that idea
We love going to the game! It’s so fun to take a break from the daily things and spend an evening together as a family. So fun!
My first-grader was sure that he’d get on the JumboTron and that everyone would laugh and laugh – that was his plan – and he was right! Dreams come true!
Ah, family togetherness:
Dixie believes nothing should interrupt family moments. Gather around your loved ones, linger a little longer, and be more here.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Dixie. The opinions and text are all mine.