Today is all about a Focus on the Fun! As you know, I’ve been working on (very slowly!) pulling my daughter’s room together and the latest addition is this Dream Colorfully sign – I’m kind of obsessed with it!! Today I want to touch on it and kid room philosophies as a whole – you can’t sweat the small stuff! Messes happen, (even gross ones!), but having cute stuff around helps to give that focus on fun!
And touch on the details of making a fun personalized sign:
I love that she is feeling more comfortable in our new home – when we first moved, it was SUPER tramatic. Later I would debate if we just should have left her for the new home owners, it was that crazy! You might remember that we lived interm in my parents’ basement as we finished building our current home. She didn’t ever even venture upstairs, just was a recluse in the basement, very antisocial. But then we moved into our home, and she came back out of her shell. She enjoys socializing and being with us. Her favorite rooms tend to change, but right now it’s my daughter’s room – our kitty loves it in there!
With STAINMASTER by your side, you don’t have to sweat the small stuff leaving you free to focus on the fun. Like the cute things to add to the room above the bed, instead of the messes below the bed 😉
Dream Colorfully: Focus on the Fun
This sign is a knock-off of a knock-off 😉 I saw it over at Real Coake and fell in love! I knew I had to make one for myself! You can find the step-by-step tutorial details like fonts and paint colors and all that on her post.
Some of my tips:
–Use contact paper to make your stencil (don’t use that precious vinyl!)
–Blend every-other color – I picked colors for every other letter, then mixed those colors for the colors in between.
–To hang it, we just put a screw directly through the board at each corner:
This is the cutest!
We are searching around for some ideas for my daughters room make over and this just went to the top of her list. lol She is also very curious about where this adorable rainbow striped blanket came from. Looking further on your page I am starting to think you probably made that too. 🙂
We are in love with all things rainbow over here.