this is a sponsored post – all opinions are my own
I know it’s still the holidays, but I want to get some New Year’s ideas out there for you! And these DIY New Year’s Wine Glasses are a fun one. I know you’re first thought is wait, they don’t drink… and we don’t… but with the fun of New Year’s Eve we love to get Welch’s Non-Alcoholic Sparkling – the kids love it as well! And so I thought it would be fun to do a craft idea using Elmer’s Painters that kiddos could participate in, DIY New Year’s Wine Glasses. #BringTheSparkle this holiday season!
My kids range in ages 8-14, and all of them really had fun decorating glasses. And so did I actually! So this is a great project for all ages!
DIY New Year’s Wine Glasses
You’ll Need:
–wine glasses (I grabbed mine at the dollar store)
—Elmer’s Painters paint markers – I love that these are so easy to use!!
–number stickers (I cut my own, but any will work)
—Welch’s Non-Alcoholic Sparkling
First up, adhere the stickers to the glass.
Once they’re on, you can start decorating your glass around them with the Painters. We used lots of dots. Be sure to cover the edges of the stickers.
It was fun to see how some kiddos really planned out meticulous dots and some decorated haphazardly 😉
Keep going – lots of different colors make it fun!
If you want, you can outline the numbers as well.
Once it’s nice and covered like below, and the paint is dry, it’s time to pull off the stickers.
Once the stickers were removed, we ended up tracing on an outline of the numbers to make them a little more defined.
Aren’t these the funnest, and perfect for a New Year’s party? Early in the evening do the craft and then they’ll be ready when it’s time to celebrate the new year!
My soon-to-be sister-in law got crafty over the holidays and sent us some pretty awesome packages. One of the coolest was this DIY trivet, constructed from wine corks she’d been collecting.