Yes, curio cabinet – you read that right. I thought I’d expose my super-dorky side today….. I collect snowglobes. Really. Not like 5, but over a hundred. Here’s a glimpse:
When I was younger I asked for a “shakey” – and I got one for Christmas – the small, plastic kind with a Christmas tree in it. I’m not sure my parents thought I was serious. But they came around. I still get some from them. And Trevor does good to get me one every year to feed my craziness.
What was my present for graduation from my parents? A curio cabinet – completely normal, right? To house all my shakeys. It was bought from a real furniture store, so I never thought to do anything to it. You know, if I had bought the same thing for $20 at a thrift store, I would have redone it right then. But when you know something was bought for real, it seems off-limits. But, it’s been 15 years, so I thought I could tackle it now. I have another one that my mom bought me at a yard sale when my collection overflowed the first one (it’s the same look that my grandma has to house her owl collection from before owls were in – I’m cool like that). They aren’t the same finish.
When I realized that I would have to unload the cabinets to move them away from the wall to paint my living room, I thought, I should just paint these while I’m at it – and so I did. I wish I had taken more pictures, but I just got too excited to get it done. Here’s the before, in my garage, ready to paint:
I taped them off, primed them, then painted 2 coats of color. I then painted a clear sealer coat (leftover from when I painted my kitchen cabinets). I didn’t paint the inside – it would have been impossible.
Check out how they look now – – so fun!! I don’t know why I didn’t do this years ago. I love how hip and happenin’ they are – if a curio cabinet can be cool, they are it.
So let’s hear it – – anyone out there collect anything odd? Am I the only one?
Love the color! I don’t really collect anything. I tried to do salt and pepper shakers but it didn’t last long
Panda bears. Ive loved them for as long as I can remember. While we live in our tiny apartment they are all boxed up in a box marked “nursery, someday, maybe”
I dont know if a curio cabinet can be cool, but if they can those definitely are.
I collect gnomes & carnival glass;) and I like your globes;)
Very nice! I collect shot glasses {not that I drink shots} from all the places we go. Not very useful, but they fill up the dining room hutch!
My daughter, who is 7, started collecting snow globes last Christmas! I thought it was a little odd, but she loves it, so I’ll let her go with it. After all, my collection is a little ODD to say the least. I collect sprinkles. As in the edible kind. I know. It’s strange. But there are just so many cute, sweet designs out there!
My daughter, who is 7, started collecting snow globes last Christmas! I thought it was a little odd, but she loves it, so I’ll let her go with it. After all, my collection is a little ODD to say the least. I collect sprinkles. As in the edible kind. I know. It’s strange. But there are just so many cute, sweet designs out there!
My daughter, who is 7, started collecting snow globes last Christmas! I thought it was a little odd, but she loves it, so I’ll let her go with it. After all, my collection is a little ODD to say the least. I collect sprinkles. As in the edible kind. I know. It’s strange. But there are just so many cute, sweet designs out there!
chickens, shot glasses (I don’t even drink!! we use them as individual dip containers sometimes at dinner), pinecone related items…
love your cabinets they fit perfectly!
No, I guess I’m really boring!! 🙂 I love the cabinet; the color is awesome!!
I collect Willow Tree “figures”. Just started a few years ago, but I love them. And I LOVE your curio cabinets!
It looks great!!!!! I collect plates and sand.
I have a santa collection. Decorating for Christmas with these guys is a CHORE. I have a Ton! I have 3 giant rupperware boxes full of them. and Some that are too tall to fit in one of those boxes. But I love my collection. Great job on your cabinets. I love how they tie in with your recently done photo wall!
It’s okay, you can think I’m strange, cause I have a motel soap collection. But it started years ago when my grandpa passed away & I got some old ones he had. I used to travel more often & there weren’t as many big chains. Anyways it hasn’t been added to recently. I still like that they are small, cute, and smell good.
I collect Christmas snow globes and fro some reason have to get up at 3:30am on Black Friday to go get the newest JCPenny Mickey mouse snow globe. Im only missing one from the year we traveled to family far away. And I even got my dad to get me one the year I was recovering form chemo. I also like to buy the cheesy plastic touristy ones when I travel. I say their to use with my students. Yeah right.
LOVE the color! They look super hip! I collect kids book!
I love it and always wanted one. I think its great your parents got you one and I love how you made it over. Love that color!
I collect spoons from every state and other countries. I have tons but no where to display them so they are my nerdy secret collection. LOl We all have them!
I collect creches. (nativities) But I have been collecting so long, and have gotten so many nice ones through the years that now I’m ready to weed out some of the lamer ones. 🙂
Nice!!! They really pop now and match the rest of your decor! 🙂 I’ve collected things forever! When I was little I had a pin collection… Then I got older and started showing pigs for the fair. My family is funny in that if you show a tiny bit of interest is a specific thing, they run with it. I’ve received pig figurines, pig kitchen items, so I collect pig things now too. haha. AND Precious Moments! I have a lot of those little figurines. So no, you’re not alone.
I collected miniature tea sets, precious moments figurines and porcelain dolls as a child. My sister collects holiday Barbies. It’s fun to collect things!
I collect penguins they are so cute i just cant help myself.
I collect Hedgehogs….ornaments, stuffed toys, windchimes, slippers, anything at all with them on! Don’t know why or how it started but I have them everywhere lol!
THANK YOU !!!! I have this cabinet (got it as a “baby thank you” from my ex) I have all sorts of “knick knacks” as he put it. My thing now is dragons and they just don’t look right in an 80’s retro wooden cabinet. Was looking for a way to spice it up and this idea is perfect!! I am thinking a dark purple 🙂
that sounds perfect!