I don’t know if I ever told you about my new favorite pair of jeans – I wear them all. the. time. I wish I had a picture of my rear – the bling pockets are my favorite feature, besides the great fit. I bought them at a home party selling Vault Denim.
So, ever heard of Vault Denim?? I hadn’t til a few months ago – it’s a home party that deals with jeans. Whoever thought of that was genius! We all want hip happenin’ jeans, but I can’t be the only one who feels incredibly out of place when wandering into The Buckle. Getting jeans at a home party is a great solution!
I love the idea so much that I’m going to host a Vault Denim party. I’d love to invite each of you!! I know most of you don’t live by me, but if you do live in the KC area and would like to check out some great jeans, I’ll send you more info – the party is the evening of Feb 21st. I even plan on making treats, if that matters……
But there’s more! Brand-new, they started having an online feature to their parties. YEP – if you can’t come, you can still check out some jeans online. Selection is limited as they build up, but still, there’s some great stuff. You’ll know if you’ve ever tried on designer jeans – they have an amazing fit. Most can run over $200, but at Vault Denim they sell for incredible prices. $200 jeans for $60 – yes please!
So, how to shop online?? it has to be part of a party – head here: https://www.vaultdenim.com/kiosk/ and enter my code 81974 . It’ll close on Feb 22nd so don’t that deadline catch you.
I have my eye on these ones:
And holy moly, they have men and girls now too. Trevor needs some new jeans, and if I had older girls, this would be a go-to. I remember growing up it took me forever to get to grown-up sizes – I would have loved these jeans in girl sizes:
If you want more info on this whole Vault Denim thing, our local news station did a whole story on the craze HERE.
So, to recap – – a couple of options to step up your denim style:
–Come to my party on Feb 21!! email me for info (mandybeez at gmail)
–Check out my online party at https://www.vaultdenim.com/kiosk/ and enter my code 81974
Great blog! I am a new follower!