I am so honored to be a contributor here on Sugar Bee Crafts, as I look up to Mandy for her many craft talents as well as her bright spirit!

I had a great tutorial planned, but my camera “ate” the pictures (in other words, I think someone deleted them, but I’m not naming names) They are very simple to create, and I’m sure there is a similar post out there on Pinterest.

My goal is to keep my events as low cost and personal as possible. As an added favor for each girl I created scrabble tile pendant necklaces.
I used their first initial, and on the opposite side I used the same paper that was used on the hats. I used Glaxy Glue, but you could use any dimensional product out there. These were something each little girl loved, and still to this day I see some wearing them at school.

Now onto that place setting……
For the placemats, I bought 1 yard of oilcloth and used my pinking shears cutting out 8 equal squares. It really added to the final look of the table.
I found the gold embossed “G” napkins at Goodwill along with the green rimmed corelle plates. The plates were the perfect size for cupcakes.
Each place setting was so personal and very inviting to each child as they arrived.

The milk bottles are recycled Starbucks Frappuccino bottles, embellished with a ribbon wrap.
I’m sure you have seen these jars pop up on blogs or Pinterest over time. They were so easy and such a fun touch to the table. They are recycled jars with spray painted lids and Dollar Tree candlestick bottoms.
Perfect for the cupcake toppings!
For the backdrop I used some basic white muslin and a yard of pink polka dot fabric to create a more girly feel to the room.
For the ceiling I created cupcake liner garland and placed tissue poms in the center. Big bang for a small buck! Plus, I can re-use the liners later as cupcake wrappers. (not to bake in)
I had the cupcakes special ordered, and used the Martha Stewart cupcake stand. Something I would do different next time for sure.
The banner was simple, and I used items I had on hand, yet it looked special ordered.
I used paper medallions, doilies, book pages and twine, topped with paper letters I cut out using my cricut.
When the party started each girl got to decorate their own creation. I had enough for them to do 2. One to eat there and one to take home. They had such a blast, it was so fun listening to all the little giggles.
Look at some of these creations!
Here are all of the little girls adorned in their aprons and pendants!
Overall the party was a huge success. I spent less than $100 and that includes the cupcakes and milk. Such a small price tag for such a fancy event.
I hope you enjoyed the party and will head over to my blog and say hello. I’ve got several of my parties posted up on there. I’d also love it if you wanted to follow me on Facebook or Pinterest!
I have had so much fun sharing this event, and look forward to sharing more with you in the future!
I love it!
This party is so beautiful! And so much creativity! I love the jars, aprons, banner, well EVERYTHING!
And I pinned it! 🙂
Thank you Shelley!! I love your sweet comments!
So cute! My daughter would love that!
I love your blog! You hair tutorials are awesome!
<3 Jeneka