What’s SNAP? A super fun blogging conference – in case you’re interested, I have a recap for you. If you’re not interested, just skip on over this post – I post a couple times a day, that way if one of the posts doesn’t interest you, there’s the other one to fall back on.
Head over to the SNAP blog to read tons of recaps from others who were there:
My Take on Things:
–I love SNAP – – there’s just something awesome about being around people who enjoy creating and blogging as much as I do. You know, when I bring up blogging in real life, and people don’t even know what a blog is… — at SNAP, everyone knows the awesomeness of blogs.
–I am short. Several people told me so.
–The food was awesome – although I wish we would have gotten some key lime cheesecake dessert with dinner – I’m weak for a dessert that comes with dinner. I love that meals were provided – makes the ticket price for the conference a steal.
–I went with 3 other girls from my area, and that was fun. Fun to have a safe net of people who I knew to hang around . But I do think I was able to step out and meet new people – I’m still working on that skill though!
–The schedule was jam packed this year – something every minute. I liked that – having a place to go, event to attend. I figure that with a ticket, I wanted to get everything out of it, so missing a class wasn’t an option – I wanted to get all the info on everything I could.
–I might call you by your blog name – that’s how I know you 🙂 And I wish everyone wore the same clothes for the whole conference, so I can keep track of who you are. And if you dressed like your headshot you’d get an extra bonus.
–This year there were several classes in the big theater – which was great because you didn’t have to worry about getting a seat. The negative impact was that it was harder to get to know the people around you in that type of seating situation. When in a class where seating was around a table, I was really able to chat and meet everyone who was grouped at my table. The one class that my roomies and I took together:
–The sponsors were awesome – tons of great SWAG (random trivia – who knows what SWAG stands for?? I just learned at SNAP!) and interactive booths and more.
–I’ll do a recap of the classes and the things I learned in a different post – I’ll try to link to those in this post when they’re up. I feel like I didn’t learn quite as much this year as I did last year – not because the classes weren’t awesome, but because last year I went in as a blank slate and this year I knew a little going in, so not everything was new or life-changing. Still came out with great info from each class.
–I love Instagram. So much so, that it was the only social media that I remembered to use on my trip – Instagram rules.
–Pack with extra room – I packed my roller-board inside of my big suitcase on the way there and then came home with them separate – and stuffed! Like I wore my big shoes and jacket because I had no other place to put them.
–I should have taken more pictures in general. And I really should have taken pictures with all the people I connected with and met – cause I didn’t take any of those! I never thought to be all “hey, I just met you – and this crazy – but let’s take a picture, okay? maybe?” But here’s some fun from the photo booth:
I’ll update the following list as posts go live – – thoughts from my SNAP 2013 classes and what I took from them – click the titles to go to those posts below:
—What Trevor learned from SNAP
—What I Wore 2013
–Keynote – Lisa Leonard
–Advanced Monetization
–Brown Bag with Minwax
–Collaborating with Brands
–Branding for Bloggers
–Queen Bee Market
–Succulents and Terrariums
–How To Make Google Love Your Blog
–Ready Set Create with Lowe’s
–Working with Virtual Assistants
–Pattern Drafting
–Keynote and Closing Party
Hi there! I have become very interested in conferences lately, I guess because they don’t have any in my area so I was wondering if you could tell me what a SNAP conference ticket includes? You mentioned here that it includes the meals and classes, does it also include the room and board?
it doesn’t include room and board – that’s a separate expense that you book on your own