Are you looking for a simple sewing project?? I was able to review a book that is filled with tons of ideas! And everything’s super cute – check out these Hand Warmers I made:
They are just one of the projects include in the new book Simple Sewing by Katie Lewis which you can find at Amazon
Now you know me – I love a quick, simple sewing project. And this book is chalked full of them – 30 to be exact! If you are a beginner sewer looking for a place to get started, this is perfect. Each project has very clear step-by-step instructions with pictures. It walks you through each step. I have several other projects from the book on my to-do list, including the sunglasses case and toy camera and maybe the scripture tote.
But for this project I chose the Pocket Handwarmers.
They were a must in our house! If you recall, we have tons of “warmmies” around our house – homemade heat packs. Warm one up and hold it while watching a movie, or in a cold car, or take it to bed. Yes, my kiddos all sleep with them – see, I caught them all sleeping the other night:
And we’ve been doing a lot of outdoor activities lately and using those disposable heat pack things. So it’s genius to have some DIY Hand Warmers. They will be able to take them to the bus stop every morning and keep their fingers warm, then we can just reheat them the next morning.
They came together very simply. I can’t stress enough – all the projects in the book are made for beginners – you can totally do this!!
And if you love Video Tutorials, I have those!
What a great idea! I’ve sewn a LITTLE, but only easy straight stitches. I finally got a sewing machine of my own & really want to learn to do more!
Is there a tutorial for this?
this was a review of the tutorial that is in the book, so the actual tutorial isn’t included in the post, sorry!
Is a sewing machine required for these projects??
I would definitely recommend a sewing machine – you could do hand stitching, but it would take a lot longer – but it’s doable!
I was wondering what is used in the hand warmers. They look simple enough without a instructions, and I love me challenge?
I used rice in mine – you can also use wheat or the corn feed stuff – – good luck!
I would only use rice. Others attract Vernon…like mice
Hi, to put the hand warmers in the microwave is there a special type of material to be used?
I think terrycloth (like old towels) is my favorite, but I’ve used flannel and quilting cotton, and it all has worked. Great question!
How long do you have to put it in the microwave for ?
depends on the size you make them, but about a minute or so