Remember, each week I’m trying to show you a little of the non-crafty side of life….
I think lots of towns, like ours, have these Sprayer Parks. I love going in the morning – there’s a lot greater chance that we’ll be the only ones there, and I love that. Another reason to love sprayer parks – unlike the pool, I can just sit and watch, browsing blogs on my Tab thing, etc. I don’t have to get in and be vigilant.
Know what makes sprayer parks extra fun?? Plastic Cups! You can scoop water, dump it on others, catch water, etc. What my kids love to do most is put the cup in the fountain of water and let it shoot off like a rocket – fun times!! You can look for the cups in these pictures……
Hope you’re enjoying your summer as much as we are!
Thanks for checking out this post from – – click on over to read it in its entirety – you’ll love it!
Looks like such fun. We don’t have one in my city! SAD!~