Got a boy in your house?? Then you probably love LEGOS – at least we do.
We get the free lego club magazine, and in it there was a page saying all the stops of a LEGO exhibit. My son wanted to know if we could go – I told him those things usually travel to big cities, like in California. But that if it ever came to us (because it wouldn’t) that of course we’d have to go. Well then I looked at the list – – it was coming to the Missouri State Fair.
And so that’s how LEGO love inspired us to drive a couple of hours for this kind of fun – –
Side note story – – our love of LEGOs runs deep. Several years ago, Trevor used to buy and sell LEGOs on Ebay – you know, buy huge lots (like $1,000 worth of legos) and then sell them in small lot increments. I dug up an old picture (this picture was first starting out when we sorted them – then we moved on to selling them in 100piece lots and spent every evening counting like monkeys, then we moved on to just weighing 1 pound bags which was much easier. My 4 year old could pick through a pile and sort between “LEGO” and “not a lego”, aka, the dreaded megablocks).
So of about a year of LEGO chaos, my husband sold his little truck, and with that money and all the profit from LEGOs, we flew off to Florida – –
to buy what I like to refer to as The LEGO Car:
And in the process of selling LEGOs, we kept a bunch of the “cool” pieces – I think my son has the best LEGO collection ever – his room is busting at the seams with them. But still, he’s always saving his money to buy yet another set……
My 7 year old is definitely a lego enthusiast as well! He loves to carry all the little men in his pocket, and he was practically in HEAVEN, when visiting my inlaws, because he found that she had saved all of his Daddy’s legos! I recently discovered your blog, and I am so excited to try out your apron tutorial and your snowflake skirt! Thank you!
We love legos here too! 🙂 I loved them when I was growing up and now my son is just old enough that we are starting the city sets. It is so much fun building with him and playing! 🙂
Wow! I’m impressed that there was so much money to be made selling Lego on!
We love Lego in our house too – so much so that we are going on holiday next week to the Legoland in Denmark. I’m sure us kids of all ages will enjoy it.
Now that’s what I call a cool car. Hmmm…where are my kids’ legos!? 😉
Mandy, you are cracking me up. Which one of you drives the “LEGO Car”? I’m hoping it’s you because it is AWESOME! You guys are serious entrepreneurs 🙂
Miranda @ Just Drink a Coke.
WOW, nice lego car! My boys love lego’s, and we just took them to legoland this summer for the first time;)