Happy Mother’s Day!! Enjoy your kiddos – they’re amazing. And so are you. You are. All I used to want on Mother’s Day was my own time, but as I settle in to the role of motherhood, I realize it’s awesome to let the kids just hang out and be there – kids are awesome. (although I still like my own time too!)
Anyways, it’s that time of year – – each year on Mother’s Day, I have a friendly public service announcement –
MOMS: Get IN Those Pictures!
I make the kiddos come outside and take pics – they’ll thank me later 😉 And note, when boys are wearing shirts with gaudy images and logos on them, just have them wear it backwards 😉 And another note cause I know you’ll ask, I bought the mother/daughter earrings sets that were on sale last month from Nickel and Suede, the girls are wearing those limited-time minis, but I think they’re similar to a small, so you can just grab the smalls.
It’s a good reminder to me, each year around this time, to recommit to being in pictures with my kids. Also to take a picture with each child individually – they’ll thank you later.
Reasons for this Public Service Announcement:
- Moms are often the ones taking the pictures – which means they’re not in them.
- Moms delete pictures where they don’t look great – really, your kids don’t care! In fact, they probably think it’s more “normal” to see a picture where I’m not dressed up with makeup, because that’s how they see me everyday.
- What will happen when your children grow up and have no pictures of themselves (individually) with their mom?
You can read my post last year about Mom’s Getting Into Pictures, it’s longer and more detailed, and contains the story that I read that made me motivated years ago to be in pictures with my kids – it’s inspiring!
Recapping years past

In addition to remember to take a posed picture with each child, be sure to just capture yourself playing and having fun with your kids – – this means asking someone around “hey, can you take a picture for me?” so you can be IN the pictures of activities, not just documenting them. I need to do better at this.
Also, here’s a great video to share – it’s just a couple of minutes long, and it’s great:
Mandy, I enjoyed this post so much! I understand what you mean about “getting in the pictures”. I am the photographer in the family and so many times I find I am not in ONE picture! I take lots of pictures of the family and especially my grands but I think it’s high time I get in some of those sweet pictures that will become memories one day! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
Cindy recently posted…Happy Monday!
it’s too easy to be the one taking the picture – it takes effort to get in the pic, but it’s worth it!