While on vacation this summer we stopped to visit Trevor’s grandmother. It’s always great to spend time at her home, even if we’re just stopping by. She has an amazing quilt on her guest bed and this time I thought I’d take a picture of it to show to you…I figure the crafty world would be interested in it.
I wish I would have gotten a better picture of the true – – the words, names, and handprints are all hand embroidered. Under the tree it says “Max and Reva, 1939-1982” and the handprints are all their kids and grandkids until that point. The tree is tied over and over to give it that dimensional look.
What a treasure. We love pointing out Trevor’s little hand to all of our kids – –
I asked Trevor’s mom for a backstory on who made the quilt and it turns out she did – I never knew. Here’s some information from her:
Hi Mandy!
I’d love to tell you the story, since I’m the one who made it. I wanted to make one for both families, but only got that one done. (As you know, sewing is not my favorite thing to do!) I sent a letter to all of the siblings. All the brothers and sisters traced their hands and the hands of their children on typing paper and mailed them back to me. I transferred (traced) the handprints on the peach colored fabric. On the pre-cut blocks, I zig-zagged around all of the handprints. You might think it is appliqued, but the print was just outlined. Then I figured out a pattern for the rest of the blocks, colorwise, as well as sort of age-wise, starting in the upper left hand corner w/the oldest son. I sewed the blocks together in strips, left to right and top to bottom, for the quilt top. The center (maybe 4 blocks square) is a tree with M + R, placed on a small heart. I just tied it in the middle representing each person, w/rust yarn, to match the handprints. The date on it is 1939 to 1982, w/1939 being the date they married, and 1982 being the date I made it. Regretfully, those grandchildren born later, don’t have their hands on it. I love that quilt. It was a real undertaking, and rewarding after it was completed.
What an undertaking! I love it.
And a group shot of the visit with Trevor’s Grandma:
Really lovely and so special!
That is awesome! My grandparents had one that looks almost the exact same– but in hues of blues. It’s beautiful– I need to ask my mom whatever happened to that quilt. How special!
I love that quilt!
OMG!! I’d LOVE to see what she could/would make if she liked sewing!! How awesome is that quilt?!!!! I LOVE it!! Thanks SO much for sharing that touching story also!! Makes me miss MY Gran! [email protected]
How cool is that! Having each person do their hand prints was such a fun idea! What a treasure that will be do hand down!!!
She said she zig zagged around the handprints but it looks like it’s been embroydered! Can you clarify?
it’s a really tight zig zag, so it looks embroidered – hope that helps! you should be able to adjust zig zag on your sewing machine, so it’s close together or more spread out – this is close together
was wondering what size squares she used and what size the quilt was?
sorry, I’m not sure, and I’m not in a spot where I can measure it. The quilt is on a full-size/double-size bed, if that helps. Good luck!