If you follow me on facebook, you already know this exciting news. Guess who’s starting a blog….. well, I guess I lot of people start a blog (I wonder how many blogs are created per minute – hmmmm) but there’s one in particular that you’ll be interested in…
Yep, TREVOR!! This is for real! He just started the blog, So I Married a Craft Blogger (catchy, eh?) and look, I’m his only follower…
Now, maybe I’m a little biased (ya think?!) but it’s going to be awesome. He’s going to put a voice to all those things we know the men are thinking (like “what is point of hanging a million empty picture frames all over the wall” – I’m sure that was his thought at my frame wall, but he nicely just did as I asked….).
I think it’ll super fun to read that perspective of craft blogging, and I don’t know of any other blog that does that. So now, in addition to making fun of the things I have him do by making faces in pictures, he’ll be voicing his opinion.
Here, me: “let me take a picture so I can blog about how you’re supposed to vacuum mattresses”, him: pose
Anyways, go follow along! You won’t regret it! Tell all your friends who ever wanted to know the other side of craft blogging that now there’s a source!!
So I Married a Craft Blogger – by Trevor
come back later today for some last-minute end-of-school ideas…..
okay Mandy – this is hysterical! I just about peed my pants what I saw that vacuum photo. I could really use a dose of laughter about the craft blogging world. Its kind of like the reality husband version of the Ryan Gosling (spelling?) memes – HA! Looking forward to it 🙂
Excellent! My Hubby’s started a blog too and I think he’s enjoying himself! Next step=pinterest!
Love it! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
Hahaha – I love that the example of the empty picture frames is exactly what my husband said to me when I hung empty frames in our bedroom! ROFL! I can’t wait to hear more!
OMGOsh! I just told my husband and he said, “I would follow that blog!”.
Totally awesome!
I think it is awesome! I can’t wait to see what really goes through my husbands head. lol
I’m all in!! Hysterical!!
This is gonna be awesome!!!! and the sweeper, I love my Kirby!
This has hilarity written all over it!
How fun is this!!! 🙂 Off to follow!
I’ll have to send my husband over. It’ll be nice for him to know he’s not alone!
Warrior Dash! I recognize the fire. My boyfriend just did that last Sunday!