So I’m not huge into makeup, but lately I discovered that people put makeup on their eyebrows….you might know that already, but for those like me, living in a makeup fog, I thought I’d let you know.
I bought this stuff called “BrowZings” and it’s a wax and color — so you put the wax on to stick down your crazy flyaway eyebrows, then you add a little color to fill them in. It’s not a “drawn-on” look and makes my eyebrows look awesome! Why didn’t I know about this before?
I took some pictures for you – one eyebrow has make up on it and one doesn’t – – the one with makeup has the arrow (it’s different in each picture because one picture is taken in the mirror and one isn’t)
Awesome, right?! Just consider this your friendly Public Service Announcement for the day – try eyebrow makeup. If this is old news for you, and you have a favorite, leave a comment and let everyone know!
I do not appreciate you making me think about my eyebrows 😉 They are out of control and I keep thinking I need to get some clear mascara or something for them!
I had my makeup done for a wedding once and they put mascara on my eyebrows! I didn’t like it haha
I’ve tried the wax with powder color to fill in the brows. I liked it ok, but I have pretty tame brows so I don’t usually use it. Your brows look beautific.
Ooh good to know! My eyebrows are pretty dark, so I don’t know that putting more color on them would work for me… But it makes yours stand out really nice!
Gorgeous!!!! I’m a little jealous. 😉
“Browzings” is amazing! I have been using it for a few years now, and it seriously makes such a huge difference! And it lasts a really long time since you use such a little amount of it! 🙂