It’s that time of year – time to start getting your tickets for those fun runs that you want to do this year. And you of course know what’s at the top of my list – The Color Run! (coupon code below for you…)
We have ran in The Color Run, aka The Happiest 5K on the Planet (so true!) as a family the past two years, and we just love it. Here’s last year’s Before and After – –

It’s a great way to make family memories. Such a family friendly race – everyone is there for for the fun of it. It’s not timed, and you will for sure not be out of place if you have young kiddos who are walking.
We wore sunglasses to keep the powder out of our eyes. Some people wear bandanas over their mouths, but we were fine without that.


This year the theme is 2014 Kaleidoscope Tour – how fun is that?!
If your city is like mine, registration sells out really fast. So be sure to hurry over and grab your spot once your city’s tickets go on sale. If they’re not on sale yet you can join their VIP club and get an email when they’re ready to go on sale. And guess what – I have a coupon for you! You can get $5 off your tickets to The Color Run by using the code “COLOR5OFF” You can Sign Up HERE.
I want to see your pictures after you’re done with your race! And if you’re doing the Kansas City race, maybe I’ll see ya there! Here’s kind of what we’ll look like….

Mandy, did the coupon code work for you? I’ve tried it a few times and no luck! 🙁
hmm, let me check into it…
I just used the coupon code and it worked! I cant wait this is my first 5k!!!
I just used the code successfully for KC. I was extra happy, because it worked with the already discounted team registration fee.