So if you’ve been reading for a while, you know that we’re HUGE fans of The Color Run… we’ve ran as a family the past 3 years and loved it every time. And also, what to wear at a Color Run, how to make your own Tie Dye Socks!!
A glimpse of some of the fun the past several years. If you’re looking for an awesome family activity, this is it!
A few years ago, I sewed up our own Color Run Gang outfits:
This year I wanted to do something, but a quick and easy something. We just tie dyed socks, and they’re awesome! Can’t wait to wear them in this year’s Color Run. And I’ve got a tutorial for you!
It’s something that anyone can tackle!
Tie Dye Socks
you’ll need:
tie dye kit (you can buy it HERE)
knee-high tube socks (we bought kids sizes HERE, but adult would be fun too!)
Tie Dye Socks Tips and Tricks
Prewash the socks – that’ll help the color soak in better. Then wrap your rubberbands around in different spots, etc, according to package directions. Now you’re ready to dye, but first get your socks wet. They will pull in the color a lot better if they are wet (trust me, I tried dry socks first and it didn’t go well).
It’s also helpful to raise them up a little – like on a cookie sheet – so that they don’t sit and soak in color in the wrong places. Then start with one color:
And then add more and color until you’re happy with it:
This kiddo picked the right day to stay home from school sick – she got to help with the fun:
Then they’ll need to sit in a bag for about 6 hours or longer:
Then rinse, wash, and enjoy!!
Tie Dye Craft Ideas
If you love Tie Dye Socks, you might also want to try:
Can you tell me where you got the socks? We are wanting to make these for our softball team, but are having trouble finding cotton socks.
I ordered them on amazon (I think??)
Thank you, I found them. Did the dye stay in well after repeated washes?