my kiddos love to clean. well, sometimes. Really it’s just an excuse to put swimsuits on in the middle of winter. For me, it keeps them occupied for a while and I fool myself into thinking that the bathroom is being scrubbed. I guess it’s a win-win 🙂
Thanks for checking out this post from – – click on over to read it in its entirety – you’ll love it!
G Inspires says
Can I borrow them? Cleaning the bathtub is my #1 hated chore!
G Inspires says
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Cranberry Morning says
Scrubbies on the feet!!! That’s how I clean my kitchen floor. Beats crawling around on my hands and knees! What a clever child you have there! 🙂 (I love it when they don’t realize they’re working.)
Connie @ Measured by the Heart says
Omg what an amazingly awesome idea! more info please…do you give them cleaner and let them go at it? Do they get it all over their littleselves?
Anna says
Oh my gosh, that’s hilarious! What a great idea, I’ll have to try this when my daughter is older. 🙂
Christy says
This is a great idea! I will have to see if my kids will try it. 😉
Megan says
I wonder if my kids would go for this… haha. Great idea! Do they get to use the cleaner, or do you give them a homemade/natural version?
Ami w/AliLilly says
OH MY GOSH!!! This is TOOO CUTE!!!