Mmmm… Cake Truffles. Check out Bakerella!

I know my goal is to post about things I’ve accomplished, and while I haven’t made these for Valentine’s Day, I did make them for Halloween (just the pumpkin below – I wasn’t too fancy). It’s crumbed up cake, mixed with frosting, rolled into balls, and then dipped in chocolate or candy melts. Put on a stick for “CakePops” or not for “Cake Truffles”. They weren’t hard to make – kind of fun, so enjoy!! (here’s a tutorial)
Thanks for checking out this post from – – click on over to read it in its entirety – you’ll love it!
I thinking of making cake pops for Emmaleigh’s birthday!!! They look so yummy on Bakerella!
I took them to Emmy’s school as her bday treat – worked great because they’re not as messy as birthday cake.