Remember when I posted about LiveOn last month?? Have you signed up – are you loving it?? Well, I’ve got more to tell you…..
LiveOn Rewind – know about it?? It’s all about saving memories. Huh?? you know, all those VHS tapes, pictures in shoeboxes, etc – let’s make them digital.
Sound like a lot of work? – it is – so let someone else do it. I love this quote from their site: “Wouldn’t it be easier for me to convert my own media? Sure, you could convert your own media. You could also change your own oil or sew your own clothes, but most people don’t have the time or tools that the experts use. At LiveOn Rewind, we are the experts in digitizing media. We have the most advanced equipment on the market and top-notch Specialists working on your photos, who care about your belongings as much as you do. Instead of buying thousands of dollars worth of scanning equipment and spending hundreds of hours manually placing each photo on a flatbed, wouldn’t you rather spend that extra time and money creating new memories? Just send us your favorite pictures or videos using our prepaid mailing box and we’ll take care of the rest.”
So let’s talk about some of my memories – –
I have a whole album full of pictures from college – all prints. Nothing digital. The fun in me wants those digital so I can start randomly posting them on facebook and tagging people – I love to see that sort of thing!
Wedding pictures – I happen to have one scanned image, because someone at church put together a slideshow of various wedding pictures and scanned ours in. I would love to have them all digital, but this is it (random sidenote – one of my lifelong regrets will be that we didn’t hire a wedding photographer – ugh!):
I feel like we got a digital camera pretty early on – – these are from summer 2002 – – I’m pregnant with our first, so that explains the belly. It can’t explain the hair.
I think I’ve mentioned it before, but to say it again – I have a horrible memory. I’m sure when I’m old people might say I’m loosing it and my kids will have to pipe up with “she’s always been this way”. That’s why I really love pictures so much – it really helps me to remember life!! The events that have tons of pictures are the ones I remember best. If I were better about writing things down, I would love that too. I have had a family blog for a while, and it’s so fun to look back at all the old posts and reminisce.
Baby pictures (um, oh great, I can’t find any hospital pictures of #2…..)
I don’t think I have any really specific “favorite memories” – it’s just a jumble of fun times. Flashes of the kids when they were younger, our wedding day, dating, growing up – all of it! Since it is the holidays, things that come to my mind are Christmases past – being with family on Christmas, being in our own home on Christmas – the fun of being together. Traditions and memories are one in the same. I am one who loves flipping through old photo albums and could do so for hours. I happen to have a few random pictures scanned in from the past – – so I’ll share a couple of pictures from my youth:
And one of my mom and aunt – – I think this is what Kate and I are destined for:
I know I’ve rambled – – it’s hard to write about memories!!
But I do want to let you in on this info:
coupon code for 30% off on LiveOn Rewind:
I can’t decided which to do first with LiveOn Rewind – – my husband served a 2 year mission with our church, so I think it’d be great to convert all those pictures into a digital format – – or – – all our wedding/engagement pictures. Decisions, decisions….I’m sure I’ll do both eventually.
And then I think of all the pictures my mom has in albums – this would be an awesome gift! So if you are still searching for a hard-to-buy-for someone, consider getting them a Package from LiveOn Rewind.
Thank you to LiveOn for sponsoring this blog post. Please LiveOn to learn more about sharing and preserving your most important memories. I was selected for this sponsorship by Clever Girls Collective. Although story ideas were provided, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
I TOTALLY regret not hiring a professional wedding photographer. It makes me a little sick to see all the fabulous pictures floating around pinterest and mine are all practically orange from the terrible lighting.
Oh well.. it also rained that day and I ruined the grooms cake trying to save it from smashing into the floorboard of my car.
Guess the hubby owes me a redo : )
My hair never photos well.
Mine isn’t good, either, but at least my eyes are open!!
OH Mandy!! I love seeing all these pictures!! It’s so sweet of you to share them! 🙂