A few weeks ago I wrote about saying no to the glorifation of being busy. About how’s we’re busy, and that’s okay, but that —-> I don’t ever want to be so busy that I miss the opportunity to serve. <—-.
It’s a mental shift and I think it resonated with a lot of you – it was pinned a bunch, shared on FB, and I got several emails, personal messages, even ran into friends that had comments to add and great insight and inspiration. Well, I recently saw a video that really goes along with all of that and I knew tons of you would be able to relate ( I think it’s funny that her to-do list even includes trying to get pictures of her kiddo after seeing a perfect picture on Pinterest – so true!) We all have that mile-long to do list every day, but we’re still saying YES to all those opportunities to serve. Serving your kiddos, serving neighbors. “Sometimes, the most important things you do each day were never even on your list….You never know how much good you do”
Here ya go! – – You’re Doing Good, busy and all (watch it til the end and you’ll see how her service is even more far-reaching than she knows)
Britni Vigil says
I saw this video and loved it, although it hit home that often times I am saying no to the things that are more important than the ones I’m saying yes to.
Mandy Beyeler says
I thought that too! it was just a good reminder 🙂
~vee says
Somehow, posting links of leather projects seems a TINY bit out of place on this post (lol) but I’m going for quick and easy and this is the first on your blog :).
After your request on IG I realized I didn’t have any spare journals lying around (I seem to gift them right away) and it would be a little while before I made more since my studio space is being completely moved around. Fortunately, the internet is a fabulous place and I found a few searches that illustrate my technique beautifully. This first link is almost exactly how I make my journals.
As I said on IG, I prefer to use a decorative, heavy~weight fabric or cardstock to line my leather because I like the unexpected pop of color. I also prefer the torn/deckled edges that are shown in this second tutorial because it looks a little more handmade.
However, I really dislike the way the second link cuts slits in the binding to sew the signatures – it looks messy and like it would weaken the leather.
Finally, even though this third link shows a leather journal COVER, I think the strap is the best illustration of what I do – but not quite. It’s also the most natural and fluid-looking as opposed to the grommet used in the first tutorial.
Of course, most of what I’ve shared is MY opinion on what looks good (lol) but, I hope these links will point you in the right direction for a little experimenting of your own!
Mandy Beyeler says
thank you thank you!! I’m going to give this a go!!