Another great installment of What I Wore Wednesday – remember, I’m sorting through my closet and getting your opinion – – let’s start with some winners (at least I think so….)
I really like this gray jacket – I think it can be dressed up or down – here’s a more casual look with it using just a plain pink t-shirt. Do you like how I am opening suckers to keep the younger kids occupied while the older kids take my picture….
And then this black shirt – I’ve had it for a while, maybe 5 years?, but I still like it. Do you think it’s out of style? I think the fun shoes help with the look (ignore my closed eyes – with kids taking pictures my option was either this shot or one that was super super super blurry) –
Speaking of kids taking pictures, my 4 year old likes to get in on it, so here’s a shot from her:
Now, back to the task at hand. I think I’ve had this green paisley skirt since high school (that’d be 10+ years) – I never knew what to wear with it and used to have a green shirt I went with. But it was really short in the body and I didn’t keep it. So the skirt’s just been sitting in my closet. But I pulled it out the other day and saw that there was a bit of turquoise in it so I put a shirt with it to bring out the color. I would have NEVER put this shirt with this skirt a year ago – seems so wild, blue and green, but I added a green necklace and I think it might be a keeper – maybe? The skirt rides kind of high and I tucked the shirt in – was that right? Thoughts on the outfit?? I wasn’t sure about shoes with it…
This jacket I got recently from Paige’s sale. I loved it when I was wearing it, but looking at this picture, I’m not sure anymore. The jacket is purple with a bit of a sheen – kind of fun. But the way it’s gathered at the waist might not be too flattering. Someone said I should follow a general rule of if it’s big on top, then go small on bottom, so I wore my skinny jeans and my black church boots (which I’ve never worn with jeans, so that was a stretch outside my comfort zone). Alright, thoughts on this look??
Love the little gray jacket! A+
The black shirt is great, keep it! I think it’s a flattering cut. A+
Purple jacket … ADORABLE! I think it’s really cute in the picture and paired with the skinny jeans and boots is super. A+
You pulled the green skirt and turquoise top together well. I think the skirt would look super cute if you hemmed it up to “just below the knee”. A
I’d love to participate in WIWW, but I seriously just rotate through the same 3-4 outfits. *sigh* I need to go shopping … or get creative.
Cheers! Jaime @ OH SO Chichi
Hey there! I’ve been following you and watch your ‘outfit matching’ and I’ve enjoyed it. I’ll tell you this . . . you have a knack for putting the right things together and I’ll share something with you that I have to do . . . I’m 5’6″ and have a long torso and wider hips than I’d like. I wear long skirts and long tunic like shirts to kind of balance out my body. You look really great in short jackets that layer over tshirts and other things. The green paisley is a keeper, however, I’m with the previous commenter, hemmed up a little above the knee would show off the wearer, not the skirt. Enjoy!!!
Before I even read the comments of the previous posters, I was going to say the green paisley would be so much better cut off at the knee. I suppose great minds think alike. If you cut it off, you can use the balance to make a bag! The lavender jacket is my next fav.
I LOVE the black top! How cute! I also think all the outfits are cute but the bottom one with the purple jacket and church boots looks great on you!
Mandy I think the little grey jacket is adorable and I love it with the pink!
That black shirt is a definite keeper! It is super flattering on you and really cute.
You did great with the green and blue together, one of my fav color combos… but I do not like the skirt… it seems to straight and wide for you, you are tiny. Maybe shortening would help like the precious ladies said?
That purple jacket is SO stinkin’ cute, you have to keep it!
I’m a little less enthusiastic about the black top than the pp’s. It looks like kind of a LOT on your tiny prettiness. I don’t think it’s bad, but I’m not sure it’s doing anything for you.
You look fab in jackets, ’nuff said. Love ’em both.
Skirt/shirt combo – colors look great together. The only thing bothering me about that skirt is the horizontal stripes in the pattern. I think hemming it below the knee would take care of that.
My favorite thing that you’re wearing in this post is the cozy looking sweater in the 4-year-old picture, because I live in FL and don’t get to wear cozy, snuggly sweaters very often. Makes me all jealous for your snow and cold.
the jacket from Paige looks so great on you. Really
The black shirt is s must. love it.
Great outfits this week!
You seriously have the cutest clothes! I agree–hem up the long skirt and it would be that much cuter. The purple jacket is so stinking adorable and the black shirt looks great so you can keep it.
Can you wear the green skirt lower on your hips (maybe a button placement adjustment) and pair it with a bo-ho type top, less structure and flowy. Also sandals with a flat heel. It’s really a great and unique piece.
LOVE the purple jacket on you!
I love them all. The last one is my least favorite…but I still like it. And your kids take way better pics than mine. 😉
What a great idea, they are all keeps for me. I like the long skirt with the turquoise top but I would add a tan belt, flat sandals and some wooden jewellery to style it up a bit more. Have a great week honey and I love that the kids take the photos, so fun. ax
My first thought when I saw this post was about the skirt, I think you need to shorten it to around the knee area. I guess a lot of people are saying that as well, now that I look at the other comments The black shirt and the jacket I think are keepers and exactly the way that you wore-very cute!
Oh, the grey jacket is a keeper too!
My votes? Grey Jacket is a keeper, black shirt is a keeper… Two things with the paisley skirt… Either him it up… or wear it with flats… It just seems like a WHOLE lotta skirt for your body size. And I like the purple jacket. 🙂
You always look great, Mandy. You have a sense of style that transends the outfit. I’ve known just a couple of woman who have the “it” factor and could manage to look stylish in sweats. You’ve got “it”. I loved the green skirt – great print on the fabric. I also loved the purple jacket – super cute!
Love the grey jacket and the black top! I love the purple jacket too but something seems off to me. I think the skinny jeans and the tall boots don’t appeal to me with the longer jacket. Also, the green paisley skirt outfit looks great but I do agree with maybe hemming it up. You could pin it up and see if you like it before actually cutting it.
My first thought was to shorten that skirt. See I’m not alone.
Now that I’ve looked again, I’m wondering how the boots would look with the black top and the flats with the purple jacket. Hmmm …
I love the grey jacket on it, just like you’re wearing it. The black top is a keeper, too. The purple jacket, I’m not too crazy about. It’s not the gathered waist that bothers me (you’re thin enough to pull that off, unlike those like me with enough thickness in the middle), but it’s the length. I think it’s too long on you. If it were shorter maybe, I’d like it more. And finally, the green/paisley skirt DEFINITELY needs to be hemmed like the previous posters have said, to no longer than knee length, maybe even just above the knee. You can use the left over material for a scarf that you could tie around your neck or use in your hair as a tie or something. That would bring the print upwards and make the skirt not so in-your-face as much too (the shorter length will help mostly with that, though). And I love the necklace you’re wearing with it, although the wood necklace a pp suggested would look great, too).
I love everything except the green skirt. It is too long. I think it would be better either mid calf or at the knee.
Totally love your outfits and, yep, my fave is the green paisley skirt with the turquoise top. And I’m digging that your kids are taking the pictures for you. Mine always start laughing at me. LOL I hope you have a great week.
You just need to add a belt to the high skirt right where it meets the shirt (a chunky belt) and it will be awesome!
I had the exact same SKIRT!!!! I used to wear it with green but the teal looks GREAT!!!