I know you probably know, but for those that don’t, I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. A couple times a year, all the members gather to hear a General Conference – and that is this weekend – inspiring 1 minute video about it:
It was yesterday and continues today. I didn’t catch all of it yesterday, but one message I loved was about praying each day to have an opportunity to serve and help someone else that day. Ask for that opportunity and then seek it out. It might seem small, but consider the honeybees who individually gather a minimal amount together sustain themselves. I want to be able to daily answer this question affirmatively: “Have I Done Any Good in the World Today? Have I helped anyone in need?”
I have mentioned it before, but I am a part of a group of bloggers who are trying to help answer the question, Why are Your Favorite Bloggers Mormon?
Mariel from Or So She Says has organized the group and I love how she says: “Mormons are encouraged to share their talents, expand their minds, and foster creativity. ” Beyond that, we have compiled a list of bloggers who have written about their beliefs – what they believe and why and how it molds their lives. The following are included:
Melanie ~ Sugardoodle
Kierste ~ Brown Paper Packages
Shelley ~ How Does She?
Brooke ~ The Crafting Chicks
Ruthie ~ What’s Cooking With Ruthie?
It is my beliefs that guide me in all I do. I want to follow the perfect example of Christ – he was kind and loving and I want to be that for my children and for those around me. I believe in the power of the atonement. I believe that families are forever – not just in this life, but for eternity – I know my family will be together after this life. I believe in the power of prayer and the opportunity we have to have a direct way to converse with our Father in Heaven.
And I know I’ve shared this video about Creativity before, but it’s so great, I thought I’d share it again – enjoy – I love this:
YOU will make this world a better place. I just know it.
I need to do this too, Mandy. Way to go, girlfriend.
Love it, Mandy! You’re awesome. 🙂
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Don’t read them then. It’s her blog and she can write what she wants. You can choose to not read it. It’s very simple. Oh and you just used HER blog to write what you believe and I think that is a much worse offense. By the way, I’m not Mormon. I left the church years ago and don’t regret it. I sometimes write about that on my blog. Why? Because I can.
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As does she which, if you go back and read your comment, is the exact thing you were complaining about. Don’t be a hypocrite. Your second comment makes you one. Once again, using her blog.
Some time back , I noticed that the blogs that I was most drawn to and made sure that I checked each day were those where the author proudly announced to be Mormon. I also am not a Mormon, but that has never stopped me from loving your and others blogs. I have so much respect for the Mormon families that I know in real life, and for the ones that I feel Ike are friends because of their blogs. I learn not only how to be a better crafter but also a better mom and better friend to those around me.
Today’s post is just another example of what a great thing the Internet can be!
Much love and respect,
Though I am not Mormon myself and, actually don’t believe in any one specific religion (I do have faith, however)… I am drawn to all of the wonderful qualities that I find here and throughout other Mormon blogs. The creativity just amazes me. I have always been a bit jealous of the wonderful family togetherness that Mormons seem to share. My one trip to Utah (Provo specifically) was amazing. There were things for families to do EVERYWHERE! I am from So Cal… near Hollywood. There is so much to do here if you have money… but not a lot of just areas to play and have fun and be a kid. If I had grown up around such creative people, I might have been understood better as a child and my artistic talents might have been nurtured more and I might have gained more self confidence. Utah is the most creative place ever! 0_0 It’s where the best Scrapbooking companies are based! lol Sadly, I am just a bit too scientific and open minded for such a strong religion… but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate many aspects of it as well as respect others for their choices. :0)
Thanks for sharing this post and the videos. I was definitely teary eyed on the Creativity video. <3
I am born-again and have attended a pentacostle church and currently a baptist church. The church we attend is really child friendly and does kid hymns etc which is why we switched. Personally I don’t think it matter what denomination you are as long as you love Jesus and He is at the centre of all you do. The good Lord made different churches, just like he made different flavours of tea, so that there is something for everyone. I love the fact that you are proud of your beliefs and proud of Jesus He is so proud of you and your family. Lots of love from your british sister in Christ x
LOVE to you, girlfriend!
This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing!
Wonderful post. Love the videos too! So thankful to be part of such an amazing group of women.