Part of the “How Has Blogging Changed Your Life Series” – –
I started my blog off as a personal blog and I never would have imagined that it would turn into not only a passion, but also a business too. It’s such a blessing in my life. My husband has traveled a lot for work for many years and I really turned to blogging to interact with other creative people. I have met some of my closest friends through my blog. I can’t imagine what my life would be like if I hadn’t started my blog.
I also think blogging has made me more creative. I have always loved anything creative, but blogging and creating so many projects every year makes me see the world in a different light than I would have. I am always looking for inspiration. When I am at the grocery store I might find something that sparks a project even. I also think that blogging has made me a more organized an efficient person. Having project deadlines has made me calendar all of our schedules and plan out my time. I look at my calendar the week before and if I need to get supplies, I will see what other projects are coming up so I can get all of the supplies for the projects in one trip. I also have a routine when I work, when I photograph projects, when I edit pictures and when I write posts. So for someone that is not naturally organized, I think blogging has really helped get me and our whole family more organized, which is great!
Check out a few of the great projects from Tatertots and Jello:
Thanks for checking out this post from – – click on over to read it in its entirety – you’ll love it!
I absolutely love this series! It is so neat to read how blogging changes people lives.