Props to the Sugar Bee Crafts SPONSORS!! as readers, be sure to check out a couple that are appealing to you – they are supporting this blog and helping it run, so let’s send some traffic love their way! Let me tell you all about them…
Want that special something?? Check out One and Two Originals – AMAZING – I want this one:
And then of course FABRIC for those patterns – – I LOVE designer fabric, and since I don’t have stores by me that carry it, I order it online all the time:
For you jewelry-making crafters out there – I admire you! I’m not the best at jewelry making, but I give it a go sometimes. Here’s some places to grab supplies for that:
For you paper-crafters, have you seen Leen Machine?? check them out!
I know ALL of you are blog readers – besides this one (the awesome Sugar Bee Crafts), here are some others to check out — ah, how I love reading blogs!
And lastly, for you entrepreneurs – – here’s a couple of ways I made some extra money – – Social Spark via my blog and with my $5 Paparazzi Accessories (I just set up a blog for that – check it out!)
Thanks!! If you’re ever interested in being a sponsor, here’s that info: Sponsor Sugar Bee Crafts Blog