In the back of everyone’s head is the idea to make a quiet book. But it sounds like a lot of work. So I thought I’d just make a car mat – cute felt buildings, road, etc. Easier than a quiet book. Then I came across this fabric on clearance at my local quilt shop and thought why make the car mat when I can just use this! And so it did – waaay simple and easy. I’m not sure what the fabric is called, but it’s Michael Miller. And it’s perfect – it has houses, a school, airport, gas station, the works.
Here’s a quick how to make a car mat using fabric.
First up, the pocket: Cut 2 sqaures. Sew a piece of velcro on to the square that will be the inside of the pocket.
Then with right sides together sew around the top and 2 sides (you don’t need to sew the bottom) and turn it right-side out. I then top-stitched the top edge to make it look nice.
Find out where on the mat you’d like the pocket. Sew a piece of velcro on that will match the placement of the velcro on the pocket.
Then put the pocket on and sew the sides. Don’t sew the top or you won’t be able to open it. You don’t need to sew the bottom because that edge will be sewed when you add the backing fabric.
Pocket is done. Now just add the backing fabric. I picked something kind of stiff, but I’m sure anything will work. Cut it the size of the road fabric and put them right sides together. For handles I used bias tape becaue I had it laying around. MISTAKE WARNING: do not put your handles like the picture shows – the handle part should be IN and the two ends poking out of the seams. Because right now it’s inside out. I sewed it like shown – oops! – and had to seam rip and redo. I also put a loop of elastic thread on one side.
Then just turn it right side out. I topstitched all the way around after turning it so that it would close my turning hole and reinforce the handles.
You’re done – I love simple projects!
Now it’s time to play! I showed my kids how to drive matchbox cars on it, but my genuis older boy said “no mom, it needs the little cars” – Of Course it does!! Do you have micro-machines sitting around?? They are the PERFECT size. (I actually showed them the fabric before it was a mat so I knew I’d be using small cars when I made the small pocket). –just remember, micro-machines are probably a 3 years and older type of toy, so watch your toddlers when they play with them–
Aren’t they the cutest?? That yellow one looks like it’s out for a Sunday drive.
And we happen to have a couple of mini airplanes – appropriate for the airport section:
And they all fit snuggly and easily into the pocket parking. (I thought about making each car a compartment, but this was easier, for me sewing it and for playing with it)
Oh, I forgot to tell you I sewed on a button – that’s what the loop of elastic thread was for – to hold it shut when it was folded and ready to be transported:
So even little guys can be in charge of transporting their own fun:
He loves driving on it…
And hiding cars under it – an unexpected use of the Car Mat, but whatever works!
entering the fabric and sewing challenge at CSI
Thanks for checking out this post from – – click on over to read it in its entirety – you’ll love it!
Kara @ Craftastical! says
Darling idea! Simple and fun.
brandi @ tales of a domestic goddess says
that is too cute! i love the tiny cars!! i can’t wait til my little one is a little older! =)
gilchrist says
So adorable!!! So much easier then what I was going to do. Where did you get that fabric? I’ve been looking everywhere for some.
Jenglamgirl says
Darling and perfect for little boys who love to go vroom vroom! I would love your support.. won’t you please link this up to my first link party going on now. Thanks, have a great day! Jenn
twolittleseeds says
I love it.
The fabric is called “Tot town”. I am trying to locate this is the UK. I found it on their main site.
Sassy Sites! says
Love the car mat! I featured you over at my blog at Sassy Sites for baby day! Come by and say hi and grab a button!! 🙂
Sarah @ The Pumpkin Patch says
so cute! Awesome fabric. My boys have this car blanket that is similar, but huge. The love to play on it.
Thanks for linking to Messy Monday!
malia says
very cute– i wish i had one of these when my little boy was younger… we spent a lot of time playing cars!
Misty says
Love this! Thanks for linking @Creative Itch’s “Sew Cute Tuesday”!
Nikki says
That is tooooooo stinkin’ cute!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for linking it at Gettin’ Crafty on Hump Day!! 🙂
Tiffany says
This is just absolutely adorable and completely perfect for my son. We actually do have a bunch of my husband’s old micro machines. Thanks for sharing this how to! So fun. I just need to get my hands on that fabric…
[email protected] says
Look at how cool that folds up!!! I’m such a fan! Too bad my son is too old, but I’m certainly going to file this for gift ideas. Thanks for sharing … I’ve posted a link. I would love if you joined my link party some time!
Nicole@Whimsy-Lane says
What a fabulous fabric find! I love the little parking pockets. I’ve been wanting to make something like this for my daughter’s My Little Ponies. Thanks for the inspiration!
The Harris Family says
This is so awesome! Great fabric and great idea. My girls would love this! yes they really love cars:)
Tere says
I love it! The perfect gift for a little boy! I really need to find this fabric for a neighbor adopting boys gift! Thanks for sharing at It’s Party Time Thursday at PonyTails&FishScales!
Holly @ Roller Coaster Life says
Oh my gosh my son would love this!!!
Amanda @ Serenity Now says
What a fun project! You can tell your little guy is wild about it. 🙂 I remember micro-machines from when my brother played with them. Visiting from The CSI Project. 🙂
monica says
love love love this!! you are one talented lady!!!
Kimbo West @ a girl and a glue gun says
feautured this on my blog today!!!