Here we go – – 3 posts in one…
OWIE OWLS – – keep them in the freezer and they’re perfect for owies! Not too cold, so kids love them. And for me, they’re like the bandaid fix (you know, when a kid needs a bandaid to feel better even though they’re not really hurt) – “oh, you got hurt? let’s get out the Owie Owl” – perfect fix 🙂
I make a flock of these about once a month for a local boutique. Recently one of you emailed me about making a flock for a birthday party – and here they are:
They sell for $9.50. I’ve been asked tons if I would make owls to ship – – normally I don’t, because they weigh a lot so shipping just one isn’t worth it. BUT – if you get a group of friends together who all want one, I’d be happy to ship them in group of 5 or more. So just let me know if that’s something you’re interested in, mandybeez at gmail
HAIRDO – – we often try hairdos by looking at online ideas. More often than not, they come out different – but hey, just go with it. This one was a little twist leading back to a ponytail that has lots of twists pinned up out of it – – guess I should have taken pictures as I went – oh well!
So I Married A Craft Blogger – – Trevor is perfectly fine with the blogger-provided head he has on his blog – – what kind of crazy talk is that?!? So I enlisted my sister-in-law Amber to whip him into shape and make a logo – – I suggested playing off the movie poster…. so she took it and our recent picture…
Your little owls are so cute… When you mentioned the cost of shipping, I just wonder if customers could fill them upon receipt. Of course I am going on the assumption that you would use rice or the like to stuff them and that they would be complete before stuffing… Anyways just an idea..
Your owls are WAY CUTE! Do you have a tutorial for them? What are they filled with?
Those are adorable! You could use the USPS flat-rate shipping but I guess you would still want to send more than 1 to make it worth is.