Hi everyone! I’m Kimbo from a girl and a glue gun!
We are in the home stretch people! Christmas is going to be upon us soon!!! The kids are getting off school for Christmas break–which is so fun! But if your kids are like my kids…if left to their own devices they will FIGHT! Much better if we keep the kids busy! So we decided to whip up some snowflakes made out of Popsicle sticks!!!and you can totally keep them up all of January!
(For all these snowflakes we used two packs of sticks from the dollar store!!)
I had the kids lay out their designs…and with my help- we hot glued them
I always do this when kids are around….
and I run the glue and they just place the sticks down! (you could use tacky glue as well!)
Then you get to paint (bathrobe optional!)
Luckily there are so many little nooks and crannies that it will take them quite awhile!
We love this stuff to just stick them directly to the wall!!
or add a cute ribbon and twine to hang!
these are the ones my six year old created!
get creative! cut the sticks…double them up…it’s amazing how many designs you can whip out once you get started!
You can go here to see a roundup of all sorts of fun things you can make with popsicle sticks! Keep the crafting rolling!
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dear mandy. i love you. the end.
kimbowest recently posted…Christmas crafts to make with Popsicle sticks!