You can probably tell – this is not my house – way too well-done! A friend asked me to take some pictures of her nursery and of course I agreed as long as I could blog it! She is having a little girl and did an amazing job – the pictures don’t do it justice.
For curtains she used some that were in her master bedroom when she bought her house – she never loved them there but they worked PERFECT in this room. And since this room had one less window she used the extra panels to make the bedskirt – and rosettes (don’t you LOVE those!) And the netting (a hand-me-down) is such a great touch, with a pop of color in the beading she wrapped around it.
Lots of the little knick-knacks where hers or or moms or a grandparents’ as a child – everything in the room had a story.
Of course, a chandelier.
In creating the nursery she moved her toddler out into a big boy bed in a room to share with his older brother. It was also amazing. She knocked-off the pillows herself after seeing something similar…
And then she had just redone this dresser pictured below for her landing – amazing again!!
Thanks Katrina, for sharing your rooms with us – great job!
Very cute!!
Beautiful rooms! Thanks for linkin up!
She did a fantastic job! I really love it it when things have a story behind them.
Those rooms are so beautiful.