In case you don’t follow me on Instagram (@sugarbeecrafts) I wanted to pop in and show a few things we’ve been up to… like Dry Ice Bubbles and the Drive-In movies and Passport to Imagination and Books and more books…
First up, have you heard of the Michael’s Stores Passport to Imagination classes? They provided some classes for us to try, but all opinions are my own and the kids loved it! It was my girls are 9 and 7 and my youngest boy is 5 and he was in on the fun too, along with a friend of the girls’. I love that it was something they could do without me (true confession: I don’t love kid crafts!) and really enjoy. The session we went to was all about life cycles – they crafted butterflies and frogs and caterpillars. Each session is only $2 and it’s a couple hours long – well worth it!
Do you have a Drive-In Movie by you?? We do, and we try to go at least once a summer – it’s great fun, and kids under 12 are FREE so that’s awesome. It’s a double feature – and this week was How To Train Your Dragon 2 and Malicifent, a perfect combo. We went with several other families and had a great time!
You should search “dry ice bubbles” and give it a try – – you drop dry ice into some water that has dishsoap in it, and it’ll bubble up. Then you can try blowing bubbles with the gases from the dry ice – super fun and awesome!
And of course, it’s summer so we’re reading. The girls and I topped our books with bookmark bows (that’s a sneak peak – tutorial to come!) – – what are you reading this summer?? I’m always loving to hear what I need to read next…
And now we’re off to have a cookout campfire and go creekin’ – – hope your weekend is going well!