A quick teaser this afternoon with CSN. I want to talk about dining room furniture – it makes the room. When we were house-hunting a couple of years ago, I knew I wanted a home with a separate dining room – I just love the feel of having a fancier room. Not that we use ours much, but I still love having it. Just last night I hosted a bridal shower and used that room. (More about the shower to come – it all came together great!)
Back to dining room furniture – have you seen Dining Rooms Direct.com? They are part of the CSN family (you know, the 200+ websites that have anything you could dream of…)
I love the look of clean lines but formal and am drawn to sets like these:
Or how about a round look:
Or if you don’t have a dining room and you’re just looking to make a great space in your kitchen, I’ve loved these corner sets:
So head over and check out Dining Rooms Direct – free shipping on just about anything (perfect for these huge items) and several come with free set up and delivery – even better!
It seems like everyone has a strong opinion on the dining room – either love or hate. What about you? I enjoy mine, but are you against them? I saw on a blog a few weeks ago (here) where someone turned their dining room into a mud room – the space looks great, I just don’t think I could do it – where are you going to eat big family dinners? But it works for her. Anyways, thoughts on the dining room issue??
I would love to have a separate dining room. With military housing we have a living/dining room and I hate it. So to have a dining room would be a dream of mine. 🙂
hey stranger! Actually I’m not much of a stranger but I joined the Girl Creatives New Friend Friday and you just so happened to be the link right before mine. Just letting you know again that I love you! And your blog!
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