Mandy is a craft blogger who loves to blog and enjoys all things crafty, sewing, and DIY - she feels that if she can do something, you can too, and provides tutorials to help you along the way. She loves being a mom to 4 awesome kiddos and blogs from the Kansas City Area.
Those are some fab ideas. I’ve made a few presents this year, which included my waterless hot water bottle made from fleece, rice and lavender oil. I also made a pinny for my friends little girl for her baking from preloved fabric, oh and I also made a cushion for my MIL with her family tree on and each family member embroidered onto the leaves. Took a while but worth it.
And, I will often leave washing, ironing or other menial jobs behind in the dust to satisfy my craving
Thanks, MANDY BEYELER! You shared awesome craft here. I really like it. Keep sharing more stuff.
Those are some fab ideas. I’ve made a few presents this year, which included my waterless hot water bottle made from fleece, rice and lavender oil. I also made a pinny for my friends little girl for her baking from preloved fabric, oh and I also made a cushion for my MIL with her family tree on and each family member embroidered onto the leaves. Took a while but worth it.
And, I will often leave washing, ironing or other menial jobs behind in the dust to satisfy my craving