First, a few random pretty normal outfits – I tried to dress them up with jewelry, layering, etc….
Speaking of jewelry, do you see these fun earrings I’m rockin?? I got them over at Whoopdwhoop, that craft trading thing…..
Now, the other day I saw someone wearing pilazzo pants, and they looked pretty cute – so when I saw a pair in the thrift store for $2, I grabbed them. They’re really comfy, but I’m just not sure if they’re “in”…..
There’s just something off – – maybe it’s the shirt I’m wearing? Too much “flowy” going on? Or maybe I need to avoid those type of pants?? Thoughts?!?! you gals always seem to have good ideas for me…..let me know…..
Thanks for checking out this post from – – click on over to read it in its entirety – you’ll love it!
You are asking the wrong person…because I kind of like it, and would wear it!
Love the earrings, love the layering. As for the flowy outfit? Makes me want to sing (just kidding. It looks cute on you, but I couldn’t resist. I lived the 60s.)lol
I love the whole outfit. Of course I never heard of pilazzo pants although I have seen the style.
I really like the pilazzo pants – they look super comfy but also very put together. 🙂
I like the pilazzo pants, but I would like to see what they would look like with a more fitted top before I judge. 🙂
I LOVE pilazzo pants. They’re one of those things you can wear dressed up or down depending on what you pair them with. The shirt you’re wearing with them looks nice! It’s a nice “dressy-ish” outfit that way. You could also try a plain t-shirt and sandals for a more casual look.
I call mine gauchos and I wear them all the time… usually in the summer with a tank. Totally comfy. If they’re wrong, I don’t wanna be right.
First of all, so your cute!! And I would wear them. We call them gauchos around these parts as well!! Who cares if they’re “in style”, if you feel good in them, that’s all that matters! love your site!
We call those gauchos and I think they look cute on you! I might try them with a tank top of something a little more fitted if you’re going casual, but to dress them up you look great! I’d definitely wear them again.
I will offer my 2 cents. Personally, I have a couple pair and LOVE them!! They are seen everywhere around here. (I live in central California.) Mostly you would see them with a more fitted tee or a tank top and usually they’re worn with ballet flats or those “athleisure” type shoes. Though I have seen them with flip flops and it is just as cute. You gotta have the big sunglasses and a cadet cap to complete the look. Who knew something that was supposed to be easy could turn out to be so hard. 😉 Anyway, I love to see your outfits. Thanks for sharing!
Love the layering and the jewelry! Great job!!!
I know the pants as gaucho too! Love them, so comfy!
Maybe on the last outfit the shirt is a little to much. I love the comfy looking pants. And that is a ‘super’ color from my Longhorn fan viewpoint, LOL!
I know them as gauchos too, and I’ve been living in them since I got pregnant! They’re so comfy, I basically only wear them or yoga pants. Like others, I like that you can dress them up or down. Personally, I usually stick to more fitted tops, but I think they look good with pretty much anything.
Ok, sorry to be a Debbie Downer….but when you palazzo pants earlier in the post, I was picturing cute, wide legged LONG trousers. You have on GAUCHOS, as in, what I wore in 1978 (and not in a good way). Sorry, but not my thing!! I much prefer the layered t shirt look on you!! Those pants are for 1978, OR for yoga class. Everyone else is all loving them, so I just had to add my 2 cents. I’m saying it with love, though. You are a doll!