Hello, Sugar Bee Craft Readers! I’m Shelly from Dolen Diaries where I share my adventures in creativity. I absolutely adore doing crafts with my kids and I’m here to share a Tissue Paper American Flag Kids Craft with you today!
- red tissue paper cut into long strips
- navy blue tissue paper cut into short strips
- white construction paper
- paint brush
- watered down white liquid glue
- optional* paper to protect your table surface (wet tissue paper bleeds and stains)
Paint the glue across paper where the red stripes will go.
Place the red tissue paper on top of the glue.
Paint the glue where the “stars” will go.
Set the blue tissue paper on top of the glue and let the Tissue Paper American Flag dry.
Hang with washi tape and enjoy your child’s Tissue Paper American Flag!
I love the personality that each flag has, don’t you!?!
One of the best parts of doing crafts with my boys are the conversations that happen during the creative process. While those little hands are busy, I get the chance to hear details of their lives that I may not ever hear. Pop on over to Dolen Diaries for more kid’s crafts to enjoy with your kiddos and even some projects to enjoy with your honey!