I just thought that every tree needs a place to sit under it. So my tree was begging for some floor cushions. And ever since the idea was linked-up on my Take-A-Look tuesday, I’ve had these floor cushions from Living with Punks on my mental to-make-soon list. About that same time the blog Lucky Star Lane was doing a post about using denium, so I had it in my mind to combine the ideas – denium floor cushions. So that’s what I did – – follow the above link for the full tutorial, but here are my tweaks:
I thought it’d be fun to have a patchwork look, plus I was using an old pair of overalls for my denium, so I couldn’t get one large piece out of it anyways. I cut 9 squares out like so for each side:
Then I sewed then into rows, then I sewed the rows onto each other. I do not claim to be a quilter, so everything didn’t line up perfectly, but eh, it’s just a floor cushion so perfection wasn’t needed.
To cut a 17 in diameter circle, I measured my biggest bowl and then added a couple of inces all the way around.
Then I didn’t want my cushion quite so tall so mine middle is about 7 inches high instead of 9 inches. For the handle I just used the strap part of the overalls. The edges were all finished except for one, so that was perfect.
I should have taken a picture of the piping packaging to show you. I looked all around the cording and pillowmaking section, and found some piping there, that you buy by the yard, but it was all decorator stuff and tasteful colors, not the orange I wanted. Then I happened upon what I needed – prepackaged piping, and it hangs out with the packages of bias tape, kind of near the thread. You’ll need 2 packs. Piping is easy so don’t be intimidated – you just add it between the 2 layers you’re sewing – easy, and it gives such a nice finished look. You will need to use your zipper foot on your sewing machine to let you sew close to the piping.
Then just fill it. I bought an old bean bag from a garage sale for just this purpose. I let the kids help fill it. When I took the picture everything was under control. So I let them at it while I was checking blogs – mistake – if only I had taken a picture after I heard them say “look, it’s snowing inside!”…
Oh, I forgot to mention, when I cut the squares, on the back side of the cushions one of the squares was cut from the pocket of the overalls. So there’s a “hidden pocket” – the kids enjoy it.
I made the bigger cushion first, and then realized I had enough piping left to make a smaller cushion. It’s 4 squares and I just measured how much piping was left and made that my circumference.
I love these cushions!!
Thanks for checking out this post from www.SugarBeeCrafts.com – – click on over to read it in its entirety – you’ll love it!
THEY ARE ADORABLE! I love the fabric!
So cute! I saw these on Living with Punks and I have been planning to make one for my son’s new room. Adding the denim and an initial is a great idea! Can’t wait to try it! 🙂
So fabulous!! Can you be my mom!?! LOL
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<3 Jess
How stinkin’ cute are these?!?!?!
Would you mind if I came to play in your crazy cute playroom?? Hahaha. Its adorable!
LOVE them! Your playroom is every kid’s dream, and those little tuffets are the cutest perches EVER.
Ha Ha! My kids would have created a blizzard! Please join me for the latest linky at Dragonfly Designs! Thanks for sharing!
These are FABULOUS!! I love the overall strap handle, and the hidden pockets!!
I linked to your how-to over at Craft Gossip Sewing:
Who knew something so cute could actually be so doable? Yeah!
this is soo stinkin cute! I am doing this for my playroom:) Thanks for sharing
Such cute cushions! I LOVE that you repurposed denim. My son has sooo many jeans that have holes…and such a great way to still use the material!
Check you out crafty girl! Those turned out FABULOUS! Thanks for linking up to Hoo’s got talent!
I love, love, love that fabric. Where did you find it? What a cute way to use up that denim. I have a whole bunch from my husband that I just can’t get rid of. Maybe this will have to be how I do it.
Oooh, I love these!! The denim/fabric combo is adorable! Thanks for linking @Creative Itch’s “Sew Cute Tuesday”!
love it! thanks for the tut. they look so cute. 😀
Those are sooooooo cute! I think that my kids would have a blast with them. I’m going to remember this idea for sure. I would love to make my basement whimsy and fun for the kids. I also have this secret clubhouse that I thought I would of redone when we first moved in. It has the handprints and names of all of the previous owners grandkids. It’s sweet, but it really could be so neat in there if I took a couple of days to figure it out.