Hi! I’m Samantha from blog Reinvented In Seattle and the eco-friendly shop Reinvented By Me a highly caffeinated haven for all things handmade and happy. If you are in need of seeing the world through a pair of rose colored glasses you can barrow a pair of mine when you stop by to say hi.
Let’s just get this out of the way; I’m not Martha. Never have been, never will be. Actually a few years ago I didn’t believe that baked goods could come from anything other than a box. Am I inspiring confidence yet? No? I didn’t think so. Once I learned that baking could be simple and found the recipes that worked and were simple my relationship with the kitchen changed.
When it comes to pies I like to consider myself a little bit like Indiana Jones: willing to go to extremes to taste pies to make sure that they are delicious for all. It’s a hard job, but someone has got to do it. The two things that I learned in all this is that the pie crust will make or break a pie and the crust needs to be flakey.
Here is the recipe for the best, flakey crust ever.
What you’ll need:
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup shortening
½ cup water
What you need to do:
Throw this in a bowl and mix. Get in there with your hands and mix it. Next put it in a bowl and cover with a cloth and let it sit in the fridge overnight or at least 8 hours. I’ve done it for less but it doesn’t turn out the same.
One thing to remember when you are ready to roll this crust out to bake is that it is really sticky. Make sure to put down tons of flour. Also the first time it rolls out it is a bit of a dud. The second time is much better.
Need a recipe for the perfect caramel apple pie to go with the crust recipe? Got one for you. Why don’t you pop over to Reinvented In Seattle and check out some of the my tutorials on running your own Etsy shop or indy business.
Always happy to see someone else from the NW 🙂 And love a good pie crust! I’ve never let one sit that long in the fridge, so maybe that’s my trouble!