I’ve got an awesome idea for you today – – Airheads Stocking Cookies! They make the cookies look perfectly iced and frosted, but it’s just a cut-out of Airheads, easy peasy awesomeness!
I really love simplicity, and these are the answer for perfect-looking cookies. Not to mention that all your kiddos will go crazy for them – because Airheads candy + cookies, two loves in one!
I’ve got a quick (yep, QUICK!) video rundown of how I created these fun stocking cookies, but I also have a tutorial for you on down…
First up, gather your supplies – you’ll need:
–Airheads candy bars
–Stocking Cookie Cutter (or shape of your choice)
–rolling pin
–premade cookies cut from same cookie cutter (I used my favorite plain cookie recipe)
Sort out all your red and green Airheads (or whatever colors you’d like your stockings)
The size of the bars and your cookie cutter will determine how many bars you’ll need for each cookie. I was using the mini bars, so I needed 2 for each stocking. Unwrap them. Then – this is key – microwave them for 10 seconds (varies for microwave strength). This will make them pliable and easier to mold and manipulate.
After you warm up the Airheads, use a rolling pin to roll them out thinner.
Once rolled out, press your cookie cutter into the rolled-out candy.
Take that cut-out shape and position it on your cookie. Mine would stretch a little as I pulled them up from cutting, so I pushed them back into shape. You can smooth the edges, etc.
Then I used the cookie cutter to cut details out of contrasting color (you can see a demo of this in the video) – then just set those into place. They are still warm and will stick where placed.
That’s it!! Pretty simple, and they look so perfect!
My kids are going crazy over these cookies, and I’m sure they’ll be a hit with your crowd as well!