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Giant Picture Tutorial Step 1: The Picture

Giant Picture Tutorial Step 2: Foam Board
Giant Picture Supplies
–Print in desired size ( I talk about that on down)
–Foam Board in desired size (I used a 4×8 sheet, but these 20×30 ones look great too)
—Spray Glue (that’s the link to the one I used)
—Utility Knife for cutting foam (if you need to size yours down), or I also like using a hot knife like THIS.
Step 3: Mounting the Picture to the Foam Board
You already have your photo and your foam board ready (see steps 1 and 2) and now it’s time to put the two together.
This is where things went horribly wrong and I stopped taking pictures. Let me give you some advice:
—you can’t spraypaint Styrofoam! — I guess this is pretty common knowledge, but no one told me. It eats away at the foam. So I had to use the other half of my board – good thing it was so big. Instead of spray paint, just use craft paint to paint the edges black. Fun or solid duct tape wrapped around the edge is another great option. FYI, there’s a clear film, like saran wrap, over the foam – peel it off so the paint will work.
–don’t use mod podge for flimsy paper! — I had planned to use spray glue, but had lent it out and figured I’d just mod podge the board and set the picture on – bad idea. The mod podge was way to wet and cause the paper to wrinkle. Plus then when I tried to smooth it out it wrinkled more and more. Quite the disaster on their faces. So I had to throw that picture away. And trek back to make another copy (I’m sure they thought I was crazy)
So, lesson learned! Here are the recommended steps to mount the picture to the board:
—Use craft paint on the edges or duct tape. This will give your edge a finished look. If painting, let dry completely.
–Use spray glue (like Elmer’s Spray Glue – in the craft section) to stick it down. It will make the photo tacky but not wet. I sprayed the whole board then had someone help me – one of us on each end of the big picture – slowly lower the picture onto the tacky board. If you’re worried about the spray on styrofoam, try spraying directly on the back of the picture. Then press it into place.
Want to know how we hung it on the wall – that info is in the final step:
Click Here for
Giant Picture Tutorial Step 4: Hanging the Giant Picture
you should have waited. Mod Podge is very wrinkly when you first use it, but it dries into a smooth surface. I know I was scared too, but it turned out great.
I love this so much! I am definitely going to try this. I just had one question: What do you mean by “Use craft paint to paint the edges back?” I know you mentioned Elmer’s Spray Glue to make the picture stick to the styrofoam, but then what is the craft paint for? Thank you!!
I painted the edges of the foam black, to make it not look like the blue foam. Good luck with it!
I found out the hard way before, I read abot the foam melting. I will be heading back to Home depot today. The other issues I had….Staples cut my pics in different sizes and so I have to take the pics to Home depot have them measured, then have the foam cut.
Can’t wait!
Oh crummies. I just spray painted it . . .
I used spray adhesive and after 24 hours, the paper/print lifted. Also, I had to use the aluminum side of the borad beacause the letters showed through the print when I tried to use that side.
Any suggestions on glue? I cannot find elmer’s spray glue, 3m photo glue will not work nor will rubber cement. As for the letters showing, should I spary the board black?
hmmm, my board didn’t have an aluminum side, so I’m wondering if yours was a different type? I wouldn’t spray the board black because you can’t spray paint foam (I learned that the hard way). Maybe paint it with a brush? I’m not sure. And if it’s lifting off, maybe try using more of the spray adhesive?
Ok, thank you!
Hi Mandy,
I just saw this tutorial and I did something just slightly different – got my pictures of eight grandchildren printed and used elmer’s spray glue on a 16×14 white canvas (50% off at Michael’s. I know you said not to use mod podge to put the pictures down but what about on top of them to kinda “seal” it? Will it wrinkle afterwards if you glue it first?
I love my pictures gallery!
great question – – I am hesitant to cover it in mod podge because the paper is thin and I think it will wrinkle. I have used it on top of regular pictures, and it works fine for that, but I’ve not tried it on top of an engineer print. If you do, let us know how it turns out!
Hi Mandy,
I loved your post so much that I am trying it for myself! However, I do have a question… I am new to the crafting world.
Which type of craft paint did you use? Is that the same as acrylic paint?
yes Aura, same as acrylic paint – just those little flip-top bottles of paint. Good luck!
Man, I wished I would of read all the directions on this post instead of a different one about the modpodge…. lesson learned….and a new print ordered.
Hey there, this looks like an awesome project. If I do it, I’ll probably try double stick tape instead of glue. That seems much easier to me. Thanks for the ideas!
great idea!
I know what you mean that spray paint can ruin Styrofoam, but know you can do it. You need to spray at least 12 inches away. Another one is Martha Stewarts paints can use on any surface.
I can’t find page one, could you please email it to me. Thanks.
Or share how you had the picture enlarged, I want to do one for my Husband’s new car rooms, and it was just published in the magazine Signature Montana.
Any help would be appreciated.
the link to step 1 is here:
and great tips on the spray paint!
Hello, can you use an actual print from Costco 20×30 on the 20×30 foam board? I wanted colored pics.
yep, that should work great too!