Hi there Sugar Bee Crafts Readers! My name is Dee and my blog home is The CSI Project.
I am the crafty one behind the blog and my wonderful husband is the techy side who hears all of my blogging goals and makes them come to life. We are a family of 6 so we live crazy, busy lives. Creating and blogging keep me inspired!
My mission is to encourage you to Create.Share.Inspire so every week we do just that on the blog. Each week is a new challenge from crafting, to DIY, to cooking and even photography from time to time. Come by every day for a great tutorial and then you can link up and take part in the challenge. Who knows you may take home the top pick or be in the Top 10!
I am so excited to be guest posting here today. Sugar Bee Crafts is one of my favorite blogs because Mandy is living what the CSI Project is all about. She creates, shares and inspires! Thanks for always inspiring me, Mandy!
Today I am sharing my new Christmas Wreath made of the unexpected Loofa. You know the ones you use in the shower.
I found some green and white ones at the Dollar Store. I used 8 for this wreath.
You also need:
~ Wreath form or your choice
~ Ribbon
~ Glue Gun
~ Embellishments{I used Dollar store ornaments}
First, I wrapped my wreath form with ribbon.
Now, start stretching out your loofas.
I wanted mine to be full. Here is what a regular loofa and a stretched out one looks like.
When you get ready to glue on your wreath form, be sure to cut off the ropes and tags for that matter.
Next, start gluing on your loofas.
You will get a full, fluffy wreath.
It is time to embellish.
I love this part when I make any wreath.
I grabbed some Dollar Store ornaments while I was there and just started creating my wreath.
Have fun with this and get creative!
Thanks, Mandy for having me and I am honored to be here.
Come see me at
Join in on our challenges each week!
Here are the upcoming Challenges for December:
December 2nd- Christmas Wreaths
December 9th: Creative Gift Wrapping
December 16th: The Color Red
Hope to see you there!
Always remember to Create.Share.Inspire!
Thanks for checking out this post from www.SugarBeeCrafts.com – – click on over to read it in its entirety – you’ll love it!
What a creative idea!! it looks like that mesh stuff! Thoroughly impressed! Bravo!
Thanks for sharing!!
This is so cool! What a fantastic idea!
This is such a cute idea. I always look for ways to spread my holiday decorations into other rooms and this would be perfect for a bathroom!
what a fun original idea 🙂 love it!